cortexr4: error: (error -1170 @ 0x0) unable to access the dap


It was a pretty bad day for the DAP (dynamic attachment protocol) and our brain. The problem was with the firmware which means that the DAP is disabled. But we could still use the DAP, so we used a different DAP (in this case, cortexr4) which we had enabled.

Unfortunately, you can’t just “upgrade” a DAP. That would be a really bad idea, because if your DAP is disabled, it won’t send messages to your brain. This is true for both CortexR and cortexr4. So you have to manually enter the code to enable the DAP, which is kind of annoying.

If you want to know what DAP firmware is, then you can run ‘firm’ from the command line.

You can also run the DAP in the command line from the command line by entering the code into a file called and putting it somewhere like /usr/bin. If you can find that file, then you will also have to run the binary from there. In this case, I was using a shell script called cortexr4 which ran the file from the command line and put it in /usr/bin.

It’s interesting to note that when CortexR4 first launched in 1999, there was no way to get the DAP function to work, so the only people who could have access to your computer were the developers. However, over the years, the developers have fixed the problem and now everyone is able to get at your computer.

This is a bug in the code, so you should be able to get around it by just copying one of the lines to it.

CortexR4 is a piece of software that we’ve made available to all the developers at This means that if you use a Mac or Linux, you can run cortexr4. You can find out the full instructions in the CortexR4 developer’s guide. If you’re using Windows, you can find out how to install cortexr4 here.

And now that the developers have fixed the problem, we hope everyone can get back to enjoying the new CortexR4.


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