The Future of Arizonabased Trainual Series Ventures, According to an Expert.


What is arizonabased trainual series ventures?

Arizona-based Trainual Series Ventures, LLC (TSV) is a company that hires and trains high school dropouts to become role models for other at-risk youths in their community. In this article, Phoenix Business Journal senior reporter Ryan Randler interviews TSV CEO David Chrisman about the future of this unique Arizona-based company.

Where does TSV operate? What does it do?

Arizona-based Trainual Series Ventures, LLC (TSV) is an organization with offices in Phoenix and Tucson that trains and employs high school dropouts as role models for potential employees at its partner companies. TSV serves as a liaison between companies and the youths it trains.

How many youths does TSV train and employ?

During its current training, TSV is training about 300 youths as well as hiring 20 new employees every year. Trainual estimates that at least 40,000 youths in Arizona are unemployed. Currently, TSV employs about 50 percent of those youths. In Arizona, the average number of unemployment claims is 24 per week.

What causes Trainual Series Ventures not to hire more people? 

TSV has been criticized in the past for not hiring more people to work at its partner companies. The company says it is looking for individuals with a good work history, such as military veterans and those who have held previous jobs in local government.

What are TSV’s goals?

TSV’s goal is to make the community a better place for youth, especially those that adults may miss. In an attempt to make this a reality, TSV created the Trainual Fellows program – an initiative that allows fellows to earn college credit by participating in service projects at businesses and organizations. “We see a lot of kids that have never heard any good news their whole lives,” said Chrisman. “We are not just placing them into jobs; we are putting them on a pedestal, and they can see they have options.”

Who is Trainual Series Ventures’ target audience?

Trainual Series Ventures (TSV) targets at-risk high school students who face many challenges. The company recruits potential employees from high schools, colleges, juvenile halls and other places where these youths receive an education. TSV hopes its program will encourage more youths to finish high school or obtain a GED and pursue future educational opportunities.

What types of companies are TSV’s partner companies? 

TSV’s partner companies provide the youths it trains with training and experience. The company has a goal to train youth at the highest-end firms in the Phoenix area, including global accounting firms and real estate agencies.

How does TSV make money? 

In addition to providing its employees with jobs, TSV hopes to make money through advertising donations, sponsorships and other sponsorship arrangements. Chrisman stated that TSV believes in its mission and “prides itself on being able to put good things into place. We’re not in it just to make money.”

How is TSV different from other youth mentoring and employment programs? 

TSV’s CEO, David Chrisman, believes that the youths his company trains are very similar to those would be hired by companies. “It’s not a charity,” he said. “They should all be paid a competitive salary. It’s the companies that have been slow to hire back people who have been out of work for a long time. We’ve had companies hire our people back and give them performance bonuses that are paid over a three-year period. We could tell people what to do; we just would prefer not to.”

What does TSV do with the youths who have been trained? 

TSV gives its current trainees the opportunity to earn college credits by completing service projects at local businesses and organizations. TSV also operates a youth mentoring program that gives youths an opportunity to be a positive role model for youth in their community. The company has also created a Trainual Fellows program which allows young people in Arizona to earn college credit as they participate in service projects at various local businesses and organizations.

Is there a training program for Trainual Series Ventures? 

TSV does not offer a formal training program, although the company does provide mentoring and volunteer opportunities for both youths who want to work for TSV and the youths who are looking for work. TSV refers interested parties to other local organizations in the Phoenix area which provide similar programs.

What is unique or special about TSV? 

The company has created a unique and innovative model that gives youths an opportunity to receive training without having to quit their current job, while at the same time providing an experience where they are nurtured with positive guidance and advice. TSV’s business model is also unique in that it offers youths the opportunity to earn college credits without having to attend college.

What does TSV want its future to be? 

Chrisman stated that TSV believes in its mission and “prides itself on being able to put good things into place. We’re not in it just to make money.” The company has made a commitment to ensure that the youths who currently train with it, as well as those who have been trained and hired by TSV, will have the opportunity to pursue all of their educational goals, including getting a GED or furthering their education at a local university.


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