How to teach good manners to children with three magic words

Good manners are gradually acquired by children, so parents should not be annoyed or feel bad about some of their little ones’ less polite reactions.

But what they should do is try to teach the little ones the rules of good behavior, which they can understand according to their age.

In the early years of a child’s life, when we talk about good manners, we mean the three magic words: “thank you”, “please” and “sorry”.

To demand from a two-year-old or three-year-old a little more than that is rather excessive, although of course there are always exceptions. Growing up and as he starts going to kindergarten the child will learn other things, such as saying his name, when asked, waiting his turn, not speaking loudly, not interrupting, etc.

But how do we teach our child these first three magic words? But just explaining to them how magical they are and what is the secret power of each:

When we say “thank you” we show others how much we appreciate what they did for us and so in the future they will do us the favor again with great willingness.

The same goes for please , since when we ask for something politely, we are more likely to be given it. Of course you should emphasize to your children that they can not have what they want, just because they say “please”. We said the word is magic, but its power has its limits.

Finally, “sorry” has a double power. When we use it to get someone’s attention or to interrupt them and say something to them, then they will not get upset. Also, when we use it, because we are really sorry for the scandal we did, mom and dad are not angry with us.

The best way for your children to learn magic words is to use them yourself.

Also, insist on their use by children. If your little one asks for something, do not rush to give it to him, but tell him to ask politely. Finally, do not forget to praise your children every time they use these words.

How can we talk to children about childhood cancer?

Thousands of children are diagnosed with various forms of cancer each year. The optimistic thing is that more than 80% of these children come out victorious in the fight against cancer. What can one do to “close the door” on cancer? How does a child with childhood cancer feel?

How should his parents and classmates deal with it?

Answers to these questions were given during an online event on childhood cancer, organized by the Municipality of Kilkis, in collaboration with the Association of Cancer Patients “Agios Eugenios o Trapezountios”, with keynote speakers the psychologist of the Municipality of Kilkis and Elli Fregogi of Kilkis of the city Olga Zarali.

As Mr. Zaralis pointed out, we can “close the door” to cancer with prevention, which “starts from our plate”, with a healthy diet without fat, fast food and alcohol. He stressed the importance of maintaining a normal body weight and exercising, quitting smoking and avoiding unreasonable sun exposure. He also pointed out the importance of the vaccine against cervical cancer and hepatitis B ‘. At the same time, he stressed the importance of preventive examinations and stressed that in case of a family history of cancer, they should start at an early age so that early diagnosis can be made. He also pointed out that good psychological condition plays an important role in the treatment of cancer.

The child facing cancer wonders why he is sick, feels fear, anxiety about the next day, whether he will die, feels anger, shame about his hair that has fallen out, feels bad when asked things that he can not or does not wants to answer, noted, from her side, Mrs. Freggidou.

Children may think that cancer is a punishment for a mistake they made and feel guilty, but the reality is different, said Ms. Fregidou, emphasizing that adults have a great responsibility to talk to children about this issue. He also said that parents can explain to their children with cancer that they are not the only different children in their school and talk to them about the treatments, medications and surgeries that will help them recover. He also stressed that children with cancer who are hospitalized in specialized hospitals can have a difficult time, but in the hospital they develop strong friendships with other children who are ill. He also stated that the State has provided for them not to miss their classes as there is the possibility of teaching in the hospital or at home,

Answering the question “how should we treat children with cancer and how can we manage them?”, He pointed out that these children should be treated with respect and not with pity, with discretion but also with empathy. He urged parents to devote more quality time to these children, to talk to them about their condition when they ask, and not to hesitate to say “I do not know” that they do not know the answer to the child’s question.

Ms. Fregidou stressed that parents should explain to their children that cancer is not contagious and that they should not avoid their friends who are sick, but instead encourage them to communicate and interact with their friends who have cancer. .

He advised students to approach their cancer friends as much as they could, and invite them to activities, but without insisting because their health may not allow it. He also said that students can help through volunteering, but also by encouraging their parents to become blood donors, donors of marrow and organs.


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