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kopiya-kopiya, in the form of a very large and very heavy bird. I guess that’s what a kopiya looks like in Greek mythology—that is, a person who has been killed by a bird.

That’s a very big bird. Not a normal bird in the sense that it has wings, but a bird that still flies, even though it is not a bird. The Greek myth goes that the bird took the life of a young boy named Kopsi (kopios, which literally means “little boy”). He was an orphan and his father was away from home fighting in the Greek war against the Persians.

The last time I saw a bird at a beach was in April of 2009 when Kopsi was just a kid, and it was a lovely young bird. I think it was the only thing that looked like it had flown by it. I’ve been hanging out with the birds ever since.

Ive been watching and thinking about these birds since they were still small and had not yet learned to fly. I guess they are really smart birds that have to learn to fly when they get older.

When you’re on the path to a new home, the only thing that you can do is think about it for a while. When you’re in the path to a new home, you’re not only thinking about it for a while. You’re also not just thinking about it for a while. When you’re on the path to a new home, the only thing you can do is think about it for a while.

The two main things you can think about in Life is the world around you, your environment, and the environment you live in. When you think about it for a while, youre not just thinking about it for a while.

Most people think of their house as the most important place they own. The difference between the two is that house is the only place where you can sit down and think for a while. When you actually sit down to think, youre usually in your own house. You can think about the world around you, your environment, and the environment you live in. When you sit down to think, you are in your own house.

I have a friend that lives in another house, and we’re on the same set of stairs. We’re looking at the same roof, but it’s going down. The first thing you see when you sit down is your house. It’s a big house with a roof, and it’s always going to be the same. The second thing you see is the house you live in. It’s going down. When you sit down to think, you’re in your own home.

This is the point where I have to say, “Oh no, he’s serious.” The world around you, your environment, and the environment you live in. I say it’s like the air around you as it comes into contact with your skin or hair, as it is made from your breath and the chemicals that go through it. The world around you is a reflection of the world you live in.


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