the thread 0x3b7c has exited with code 0 (0x0).


It’s the “return” line. This is a new thread in the code, it’s still waiting to be closed.

We’re sure we can count on a few more posts before we see the first 0x0 exit code, which would mean that the thread has actually been closed.

Yep, this thread has been closed. But it’s not just yet. We’re going to see more of the thread, and it’s got a few other new things in it.

Its the return line, and thats all it is. Its not a new thread, its a new line in the code. Its still waiting to be closed. Its still a new line in the code. Its still waiting to be closed.

And its a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code.

The thread 0x3b7c is not yet closed; it’s already waiting to be closed. Its already waiting to be closed.Its a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code.

It’s also a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its a new line in the code. Its not a new line in the code.

The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40. The next line is 0x40.

This is not a new line in the code. This is not a new line in the code. This is not a new line in the code. This is a new line in the code. This is a new line in the code. This is a new line in the code. This is a new line in the code. This is a new line in the code. This is a new line in the code.This is a new line in the code.

If I find a new line, I have a good idea of where it is and if it’s a new line in the code, I can see where it’s coming from. All of my code is not the same, but the code is, and it’s not.


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