unhandled exception: android.content.res.resources+notfoundexception: resource id #0x0 occurred


This is an error that occurred when trying to retrieve the resource id #0x0.

Apparently the game’s internal error handling system is messed up. This means that the app crashes with an unhandled exception and can’t continue running.

The game crashes. If you try to stop the game from crashing (even though it’s not running) then you probably missed something. If you try to stop the game then you may see some exceptions. For example, if you try to get the game to crash, it will crash, and you’ll find that the game can’t connect to a connection to Android’s local network.

The game uses the Androids default connection. This means that when the game crashes, youll probably see an exception like android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0. This is because the game uses the default network connection which wont allow you to access any of the game.

You may or may not see exceptions, but I would not go around calling the game to try to stop the game. The default connection is a Google account that has no users account. This means that if you try to access Google accounts on your own and it crashes, youll likely get a ResourceNotFoundException if you try to connect to them.

This is why you should never have to ask for a game password.

The game might try to connect to your account and crash if you try to connect to Google accounts and fail. You could try, though, to manually connect to your own accounts before you try to connect to Google accounts and then check if they are on Google. This might not help if the game is running with no users account.

If you have a connection issue with Google, the game might crash. The game’s developers are aware of this issue and have created a patch that should allow for proper connection to Google accounts with or without users accounts.

A couple of people have reported that they had problems connecting to Google accounts via Google+, though it’s not clear to me how many people have reported this.

After you’re done with a game, you can start building apps for other apps, too, where you want to set up apps for other apps. For example, you can set up your own apps for iOS and Android for Android.


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