What Returning to the Office Means for the Android Industry


Some of the most exciting news to come out of CES in recent years was the unveiling by Google, Samsung, and LG of a new trend in office design: going back to the office of best dayz epoch mod backgrounds. Smartphones have become so ubiquitous that they’re now an expected part of the workplace. Newer and more powerful smartwatches are also set to be integrated into offices in order to provide greater productivity for workers.

But this shift has caused many companies like Xerox and Gartner to wonder what this will mean for their organizations. At first glance, it would appear that this change is great for everyone involved, with far less time being wasted on mobile device-related tasks such as word processing or photo-sharing apps.

1. Less time spent on mobile devices

Having fewer mobile devices in the office would indeed save companies money. The “unplug” initiative is a good start, and it’s clear that these companies are making a concerted effort to reduce the number of mobile devices in the workplace. Being able to focus more of one’s attention on the job in front of them would certainly be beneficial for many workers.

The key question here, however, is whether this will have a positive effect on productivity. For employees like myself who are still tethered to their smartphones and tablets, I expect that this change will simply create more distractions when it comes to work.

2. More time and attention on work

The reality is that many workers do spend far too much of their workday on mobile devices. Some people choose to bring their mobile devices with them to the office, even if they’re not using them. In order for this practice to change, it appears that one must first acknowledge and accept the problem.

3. Better connection between coworkers

This trend has been going on for some time now, but I have often noticed how different offices have different levels of comfort when it comes to smartphones and other mobile devices. In some offices, people bring their mobile devices in and out of meetings, whereas others ban them altogether. It also appears that both of these options are far from ideal.

Since this trend is still new and uncertain, I’m not going to attempt to speculate on what will happen in the future regarding workers’ comfort with going without mobile devices. However, there is no reason that this trend should be any different from other office trends over the past 30 years or so. I don’t see why workers would become any less productive when they’re not spending all of their time looking at their phone, but are instead engaging in discussions about the issues facing their company or industry.

4. Higher productivity

The notion that this trend will increase productivity is not new; others, like Gartner, have been making similar claims in the past. However, with increasing mobile device access and usage, it’s only natural that the trend of working more efficiently would continue to increase. Samsung is already looking into how they can reduce the amount of time employees spend on mobile devices, and some companies are now exploring whether there are benefits to allowing workers to bring their own mobile devices into the office as part of a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) initiative.

5. Creativity and brainstorming

One of the most significant benefits that working by oneself can bring is an increased level of creativity and freedom. Even in the best-case scenario, where a worker spends only half their day on mobile devices, this trend would still lead to more creative ideas and brainstorming between coworkers. Somewhere along the line, however, a company executive decided that workers needed to be connected at all times of day in order to be more productive. But there are numerous studies on the effects of constant connectivity which have shown that being available all of the time creates stress in workers which affects their ability to perform at their best level.

6. More attention to important tasks

The freedom from constant connectivity would also lead to workers being able to focus more on important tasks instead of being distracted by every email or message that comes in. This is especially beneficial for workers who are paid by the hour, as their time is even more valuable. Although smartphone technology has advanced over the last decade, many workers continue to feel a constant need to be connected and “on-call” 24/7. Obviously, this trend will bring about increased productivity for those workers who wish not to have their work hours dictated by a smartphone on their hip.

7. Work-life balance

One of the most significant benefits that I can see coming out of this trend is a better work-life balance. For example, I occasionally work from home for a few hours each week and find that this gives me more time to spend with my family. This trend could mean that more workers could start working from home on a regular basis, even if it’s only for one day each week.

8. Increased security

It’s clear that the trend of going back to the office will also provide increased safety and security for workers who need to bring their smartphone with them wherever they go. Especially at an industrial or construction site, there is no question that having workers leave their smartphone in the office would result in an increased risk of accidents, injury, or death due to the lack of communication options and nearly-constant access to information.


The notion that going back to the office would lead to more productivity and a better work-life balance is not without merit. Although I am not completely convinced that this trend will increase productivity, it appears that this will happen among those workers who continue to have a need for constant connectivity from their mobile devices.

The trend of going back to the office will also be beneficial for some workers, especially those who are planners or project managers. Since these types of workers require the most time in front of a computer screen, this trend could provide them with increased time for important tasks such as coming up with new ideas or brainstorming across departments.


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