10 Blog Posts That Solved Our BIGGEST Marketing Challenges


In this 10-part series, we will be featuring 10 blog posts that have helped us to grow our business and solve some of the biggest challenges in marketing. Also know where to guest post by reading this article. These posts are written by people who have been there before you and can help make your life a little bit easier!


Blogging is a great way for businesses to market their products and services in today’s digital world. But even if you’re blogging, it can be difficult for your audience to find the content. They need and want especially when it comes to solving common problems or answering questions that potential customers might have. This is why we’ve compiled this list of blog posts from other companies.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is the process of strategically partnering with key influencers, to help you reach your target market. When you partner with the right influencer, they can help guide your business to success.

Why Should I Partner With Influencers?

There are many benefits to partnering with influencers. They can help your business increase brand awareness, grow sales, and educate customers on new products or services all while creating trust within the market.

How Do I Find The Right Influencer For My Business?

Finding the right influencer for your business depends largely on what you’re looking for in a partnership. First, figure out who is already talking about topics related to your industry online. This will help you reach their interested audience. Then, contact each person individually by commenting on posts they publish that are relevant to what you do. If it seems like there might be some good fit between them and your company, try engaging them in a dialogue. This will help build rapport with the influencer, and can lead to future collaboration opportunities.

What Else Do I Need To Know About Influencer Marketing?

Influencers are people who have access to an engaged audience of their own online. So it’s important for you to consider how they fit into your marketing strategy as well as what kind of messaging or branding they use within their posts. You should also be aware that some platforms might require paid promotions/sponsored content if you want your business name attached to influencers’ social media accounts. This is something else worth considering when forging new partnerships! Once you find someone whose work resonates with both your brand goals and customers. Invite them out for coffee or lunch this will help you get to know them better.

Email is not dead!

It’s still one of the most effective ways for marketers to reach their audience. So it’s important that your company has an email marketing strategy in place just in case customers want to give online shopping a try this holiday season. Here are 10 tips on how you can maximize your sales with email campaigns:

Personalized emails

Make sure emails have some personalization while also maintaining brand voice/style . This means using first names when possible, specific details about what they’ve purchased from you before (e.g., “We hope the new sneaker release goes well!”), and including images that will be relevant to a customer’s interests.

Be strategic with your timing

Don’t go heavy on sending out emails too early. As you might risk annoying customers who are trying not to buy anything until the holidays! On the other hand, don’t send them too late if they’ve already purchased their gifts and want nothing else from you at that point. It can come off as quite pushy or desperate for sales.

Include CTA

Include CTAs throughout your campaigns instead of just one big CTA at the end . This way people won’t feel “sold” all holiday long. Multiple opportunities for visitors and prospects alike to click through will help increase traffic and sales faster than having everything funnel back into one final call-to-action email.

Include a sense of urgency

One way to do this is by mentioning when something will go on sale or be available for purchase let them know it’s time they buy! Another easy tip is including countdown clocks for limited-time promotions/sales. People love feeling like there’s a race against the clock, and that can help increase sales in addition to conversions.

Keep it short & sweet

Keep emails under 300 words if possible , as anything beyond that probably won’t get read thoroughly anyway (especially during busy shopping seasons)! In terms of design, make sure your email looks good even without images enabled. Otherwise customers might think it’s not worth their time reading or seeing what you have to offer. If text gets too small, it’s usually an automatic deal breaker.

Penguin Random House

Their strategy was to give away a free book each day starting on Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday . Then once customers had downloaded one, they would automatically get sent more deals and ads about Penguin books/authors via email within the next several days.


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