erc20 deploy initial amount 0x0 not working


I have an old VMWare guest account on the network I use to host my videos. I have deployed the erc20 deployment script, but I cannot send a message to the user.

Sorry, but I’ve been here too long and have no idea what you’re talking about.

Its name is pretty self-explanatory, but the actual error should say something along the lines of: “The amount deployed is 0. Please try again.

So the error happened when I deployed a script to a server. But when I called the script and tried to send a message to the user it said the amount deployed was 0. I don’t think I’m alone in my inability to send messages to people using erc20.

It’s not entirely clear from what you say whether the error is because you’ve deployed a script to a server, or you have deployed a script to a user, or you have deployed a script to a server & user together.

When you deploy a script to a server, the server will send you an initial 0x0 amount of bytes. If you want to send a message to someone using this server, you can send an amount of bytes greater than 0. But if you deploy a script to a user, the user will not have sent you an amount greater than 0. You have to be able to send messages to a user using erc20.

The servers have been deployed on a number of different sites, and it’s not clear if that’s a bug or a flaw in the server code. But if you’re the creator of this server code and you’re using these servers on a number of different sites, you might as well make sure you get all the server code available for you.

With all the servers deployed, the users are on a tightrope with the servers. For example, one of my servers had the system administrator’s own script which is used to send to a server on the second screen a message which is to say “Hello.” I have a new script, called, that is used to send the messages to a random user on the fourth screen.

I guess when you deploy and launch the servers you have to worry about that.


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