How to Get the Most Out of Your Workout


Many people want to get more out of their workout by spending more time in the gym. While longer workouts may yield better results, the benefits are not as dramatic as those of shorter workouts. Instead of aiming for the maximum amount of time at the gym, you should lower your intensity and exercise at a higher intensity for shorter periods. These are some tips to get the most out of your workout. Here are a few other suggestions.

Listening to music after a workout boosts serotonin and dopamine

During exercise, listening to music can reduce perceived effort, and the rhythm and tempo of music can help people perform repetitive motions more efficiently. Besides improving workout mood, listening to music can improve fitness levels and help you stick to your exercise routine. 

Besides reducing stress, music has been shown to boost serotonin levels and reduce pain. Music is proven to relax, relieve stress, and reduce cortisol levels. According to research from the University of California at San Diego, it can also enhance workout endurance. 

Warming up before a workout

It is tempting to skip the warm-up phase, but it will only make your workout less effective. Besides, you might be tempted to skip the stretching and warm-up exercises because of the time crunch or because you’re simply in a hurry to get started. But ignoring this part of the workout will later cost you more time and energy. According to Jillian Michaels, a professional sports medicine doctor, skipping the warm-up phase can lead to muscle damage and injuries.

When warming up before a workout, you should start slow, with low-intensity movements or static positions. Gradually increase your pace to raise your heart rate. If you are planning to start a workout that requires intense physical activity, you can begin by jogging or cycling and gradually increase your pace until you reach a moderately high level. For more intense exercises, you can try static stretching, but make sure you stretch dynamically instead of static.

Performing dynamic mobility exercises before a workout

Performing dynamic mobility exercises before a workout helps you avoid injury by increasing your range of motion and preparing your muscles for the rigors of your exercise session. These exercises also improve your mental state, as warm muscles are less likely to experience strain. They should be done at a moderate rep range and are vital to a dynamic warm-up.

Perform a full-body dynamic warm-up exercise like in before your workout to ensure maximum flexibility and range of motion. Dynamic warm-up exercises are designed to warm your muscles and activate your nervous system, increasing your range of motion and correcting any limitations in your mobility. Gregory Robins, a baseball coach and personal trainer, begins every client’s training session with a full body warm-up and lower body training. He then follows up with mobility and activation drills to help prepare the muscles for a workout.

Getting enough sleep before a workout

Getting enough sleep is important for optimal workout performance. Sleep restores your immune and endocrine systems, producing and spreading essential performance hormones. It also helps regulate your brain function, boosts your protein synthesis and mobilizes free fatty acids, which provide energy. A good night’s sleep is also crucial for muscle repair and regeneration.

Get at least seven hours of sleep before bed to optimize your workout performance. If you’re not getting seven to eight hours of sleep, consider doing low-intensity exercises for 20 to 30 minutes. Once you’ve rested enough, you can gradually increase your workout intensity. Just be sure to take it easy at first and work up to your maximum capacity.

Finding a workout, you genuinely like

If you enjoy spinning but hate CrossFit, it’s time to switch it up. What works for you might not work for others. Think about what you enjoy, whether it’s nature, group settings or quiet time. Then look for activities that fit that description. And don’t forget to ask your trainer or instructor about their favourite workouts. If you can’t decide, join an online community such as Well+ to ask for ideas.

If you don’t enjoy a workout, it’s unlikely you’ll stick with it. Avoid activities you feel you should do and choose those you genuinely like. Make sure the activity fits into your lifestyle and isn’t too difficult to do. Also, schedule your exercise time as an essential appointment in your calendar. If you have to work out in sweatpants regularly, don’t make it an excuse to skip a workout.


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