Does Mental Health Really Live Up to the Hype?


If you’ve ever tried to make sense of how to deal with the immense pressure of having a mental illness, or if there’s someone close to you who is struggling with their mental health like history, then this article might be for you.

In this article we’ll look at what mental health actually means, why it can be so hard for somebody suffering from a mental illness to seek help and how they may need our help in recovering.

1. What Is Mental Health Anyway?

All of us can experience mental health in some way or another. People who don’t suffer from a mental illness are also bound to have some form of temporary mental health, such as when they’re under excessive stress, or poor sleep patterns. All of us experience these kinds of emotional distress and they usually pass after a while but can be a part of daily life.

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as: “Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her/his community.

2. Why Is Mental Health So Important?

Mental health is so important for a number of reasons: it’s an essential part of our lives, it keeps us happy and alive, and it sets us apart from others. Not only does it affect how we live our everyday lives with the rest of society but also in how we are able to cope with things that are out of our control.

Mental health affects people’s everyday lives and helps them lead happier and healthier lifestyles. This provides people with more time to spend with their families, friends, or themselves. It helps you to find the energy to go on adventures or take on challenges which can be beneficial for your mental health as well as your life in general.

3. What is the Difference Between Mental Health and Illness?

Mental health and illness are two different things. Firstly, definitions of both are extremely vague, but there are still some clear differences between the two.

Illness can be defined by how a person feels from one moment to the next, or how their body reacts to stress. For example, an illness may be defined by whether a person has a fever or a cold; in this situation both illnesses refer to the same medical condition that causes similar symptoms.

In contrast to this, mental health can be better described as what we feel on any given day as opposed to that day alone. Mental health is more about how we look at the world, ourselves and those around us. Mental health can manifest itself in a number of ways; for example, it can present itself in how we view others or even how others view us.

4. What are the Causes of Mental Health Illness?

A mental illness is different for everybody and we should never feel pressured to compare or diagnose each other’s mental health problems. However, this isn’t to say that there aren’t certain triggers that can affect our mental health. These triggers are either external such as stress or internal which comes from deep within our minds. If left untreated, these illnesses can develop into more serious mental health problems, such as schizophrenia.

5. What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects around 1% of the population worldwide and affects people of all ages. The symptoms of schizophrenia vary from person to person, but are generally divided into positive and negative symptoms.

Positive Symptoms: These types of symptoms show that the illness has either developed or worsened over time. Positive symptoms can include hallucinations, which is hearing or seeing things when there are no outside influences present, or delusions which are false beliefs that cannot be corrected by reality checks. Another positive symptom could include disorganized thinking patterns, one of the hallmarks of this mental illness. These symptoms may cause unusual behavior, not just in the person with schizophrenia but also in others.

Negative symptoms are quite different from positive symptoms. They are often caused by a lack of motivation, or interest in hobbies or other things that the sufferer used to enjoy. Negative symptoms can also include loss of emotions and feelings towards other people and themselves which can be distressing and difficult to recover from (not impossible though).

6. What Are Some Ways To Deal With Mental Health Problems?

Throughout this article I’ve mentioned how mental health isn’t something you should pressure yourself or others into labeling themselves with. However, if you do struggle with your mental health, it’s important to seek help and support wherever you can find it.

The most important piece of advice I can give is to think about how you are feeling, and if it’s severe or severe enough that you feel like something is wrong then seek help to get the support that you need. If this is the case for yourself or a loved one, then speaking to someone about your suffering can make all the difference.

If you’re ready to step out from hiding in your own head we want you to join us on our journey by sharing your stories and giving us some insight into what it feels like to have a mental illness. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns with any member of our team over here


I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you do have a mental illness, or know someone who does, I’m sure you agree that it’s not something to be ashamed of or to hide away from. There is always support out there if you need it. You’re not alone in this fight!


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