Why Is Mental Health Not Working and What Can I Do About It?


“Mental health” is the phrase we use when we talk about our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s an important part of everyone’s life! But when mental health isn’t working, something is wrong like ​​dr oz health apps.

In this blog post we’ll explore what this means and why it can happen to anyone. You’ll also learn some strategies for how to take care of yourself when mental health isn’t working as it should be.

Why is mental health not working for me? and what can I do about it?

1. I might be in denial (not my fault).

When our minds don’t function well, we can do a lot of things to try to avoid upsetting and stressful thoughts. We might not notice what’s happening and think it’s normal. That isn’t helpful.

Why might I be in denial?

We may want to avoid feeling anxiety or sadness. We may know that certain thoughts aren’t healthy, but we don’t want to believe that they’re true or important. We might not want to seem different from others.

We may also think that if we ignore a symptom or problem, it will go away. Unfortunately, doing this for a long time can be like trying to hide a monster under the bed. It sticks its head out in unexpected places and makes trouble!

When we don’t pay attention to what’s really going on and don’t find good ways to express our feelings, they can get trapped inside us. It’s like being underwater without any air! We need mental health just like we need physical health because it’s important for us to be able to understand our thoughts and feelings and take care of ourselves.

2. I might have other problems (a problem is growing).

When we try to deal with stress in unhealthy ways, it can become a problem.

It’s like trying to handle a difficult situation by drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or eating too much. We might be able to handle our feelings at first. However, these solutions don’t work well in the long run.

Sooner or later (and usually sooner), drinking alcohol and doing drugs doesn’t calm us down anymore; it makes us feel sick and unable to do what we want and need to do in the short term AND in the long term. In the same way, if we use food to hide our feelings or cope with stress, we might gain weight. We often feel worse because we’re not getting a healthy way of dealing with problems.

Why might I have other problems?

We want to avoid sad or negative feelings, so we turn to food, alcohol, drugs, gambling and other behaviors to make us feel better. These “solutions” aren’t usually helpful in the long run because they can lead to serious health problems. They may also cause other problems like family relationship problems or financial difficulties.

3. I might have a mental health problem (my fault AND not my fault).

There are lots of things that can cause mental health problems. Sometimes these problems are related to events that have happened in our lives. Sometimes they’re due to other medical issues like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, or substance abuse. We also might have an “enduring personality trait,” which is a way of thinking and behaving that can make things difficult for us over time. No matter what causes the problem, we have to deal with it somehow!

Why might I have a mental health problem?

When we try to deal with serious stress by avoiding our feelings or by using unhealthy behaviors (like alcohol and drugs), it can lead us into trouble over time; stress and anxiety can get worse instead of better.

4. I might be having a bad day (not my fault).

When we’re feeling bad, it can be easy to blame ourselves and think of ourselves as weak or crazy. However, sometimes it can be normal to feel this way when we’re going through something stressful or overwhelming. In these cases, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with us. We just don’t feel as good as we might otherwise feel on a different day!

Why might I have a bad day?

Feeling down is something that our minds do to protect us. We can do things like overeat when we’re feeling tired or unhappy in order to make ourselves feel better. These comfort behaviors can lead to weight gain and health problems.

The difficult feelings that we’re trying to avoid can also be overwhelming. When we don’t know what to do with them, they are likely to get in the way of our ability to carry out our daily lives. Sometimes it’s hard for us to even get out of bed or go out with friends!

5. I might have a mental illness (my fault AND not my fault)

Most people who have mental health problems don’t have this due to a personal weakness or character defect, but rather as a result of a combination of factors including genetic vulnerabilities, life experiences, and psychological factors such as how well we’ve learned effective strategies for dealing with painful thoughts and feelings.

Why might I have a mental illness?

We might have had a bad experience with mental health problems in the past, which makes us afraid of having them again. We might think that it’s risky to talk about what’s really going on inside our minds. Or we may be worried that we’re not as good as people who don’t have any mental health problems.

Some people may have a genetically-based vulnerability to mental illnesses. This means that they have a greater chance of developing these problems than other people in their family do. It’s also possible that they develop them because of stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one, growing up in an abusive family, or being exposed to high levels of stress during their schooling.


Depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems can be hard for us to understand and manage. We can sometimes wonder whether there’s anything wrong with us or what we should do about them!

Talking about these feelings can help. The more we talk about them, the easier it is for us to find good ways of dealing with them.

You can have a positive life!


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