0x8f4c 스레드가 종료되었습니다(코드: 0 (0x0)).

Since I got started, my wife has been using my kitchen as a place to cook for a long time. There are many ways...

has exited with code 0 (0x0) visual studio

I’m finally getting back to reality, but I don’t know if I’m the only one that’s been given a bad feeling back to me. I'm...

value of pointer 0x0

I've been hearing this a lot lately, especially as of late. I've heard this phrase used a lot since I've been using C++ to...

remove 0x0 message mirth

remove 0x0 message mirth is a popular meme that we are all aware of but don’t understand. The message is that it is easy...

cpu 0x0 imac

We’re all pretty much self-aware, but we also tend to react too much to things. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen a car...

x-mirage gos 0x0

Our brains can perceive more in a short amount of time than some would like to admit. This is a function of our sensory...

repair registry vista 0x0

This is a great way to keep yourself and your business from getting lost while you’re doing your job. There are several types of...

the program ‘[7216] q1.exe’ has exited with code 0 (0x0).

the program ' q1.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0). q1.exe is a program that has been found to "be a very, very popular one,...

error initializing emulator: (error -2083 @ 0x0)

This error initializer should be used by every user to make sure the emulator doesn’t try to force any errors. It should never try...


I got my new tattoo this past weekend. I’ll tell you how it started from a conversation that I had with a friend a...