Mass media and emotional health


In the last couple of years, there has been an increase in the amount of mass media like anu mahtani that people consume. This can be a healthy and productive way to find out information but can also distort our understanding and create a world that is only seen through the lens of mass media. By learning how to differentiate between what is really happening and what the media chooses to cover, we can take control over our own emotions and make more informed decisions about our social world. With so much going on in this day and age, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed or anxious all the time . Finding ways of coping with these overwhelming feelings is important for everyone’s emotional health.

1. Understand the overarching patterns of the media.

When you watch the news, it can be easy to feel like there is a lot going on in the world. Since mass media tends to focus on the dramatic, it’s not surprising that we can come away feeling overwhelmed and anxious. It’s important to understand that there are usually only a few major stories dominating our minds each day; however, these stories are presented in such a way that they seem unending and unavoidable.

Emotional health depends on clear and accurate information about what is truly going on in your life and in your community as well as an understanding of how you respond to this information. While it’s important to consider how we feel, the media tends to only focus on the dramatic events that attract a lot of attention and when these events happen in your life, this can make them seem more real than they actually are.

2. Think critically.

In trying to understand and interpret a message that you see in the media, it is important to think about what the story means for you and why it is important or relevant in some way. Being able to interpret what you see into ways that make sense for your own life is an essential part of emotional health. When there are no clear connections between events that are related by people who have their own agendas, it can be easy to misinterpret what’s really going on . Even when the news is about events that are related to you, it’s important to look for details that apply specifically to you and your life situation.

Making connections between events, people and places is an important and often overlooked part of emotional health. By making connections, we learn how others relate to our everyday lives and can feel a sense of belonging in the world that we live in. When we don’t pay attention to the connections between different things in our lives, it can be easy to feel stuck or like we aren’t connected or included.

3. Spend adequate time in solitude.

Part of taking control over your emotions and separating yourself from mass media is knowing how to manage when you have time to relax or do things that are important to you. Many of us feel so overwhelmed by all the various things that we have to take care of each day that we almost never have enough time for ourselves. When we don’t take good care of ourselves, it can lead to feeling bad or out-of-control about our own emotions.

According to the Psychosomatic Medicine Review , “emotional health and well-being are linked with positive social relationships, positive feelings toward oneself, staying on a regular sleep schedule, eating a nutritious diet with nutrient rich foods, exercising regularly and not smoking . All these are helpful in reducing stress and anxiety .”

These are all important factors in regulating and coping with stress, but unfortunately not many of us have the time or ability to do these things throughout the day. By creating a space for ourselves every day where we can focus on what’s most important, we’re able to have more peaceful and healthy reactions to stressful situations.

4. Aim for balance rather than control.

When you’re trying to feel your best, it’s important not to try too hard or worry about the details of your emotions. In many ways, it’s more important to just feel whatever emotions you’re feeling instead of trying to think too much about them. When you’re able to feel your emotions rather than think so much about them, you can start to get a better perspective on what’s happening and how you want to respond.

By being able to “connect” with your emotions, there’s a certain freedom that comes from releasing control over your mind and letting yourself just experience whatever is going on without trying too hard. When we feel good about ourselves, we tend not to worry or stress over things that are out of our control.

5. Mindfully observe rather than react.

In order to have peaceful and healthy reactions to the things that are going on around you, it’s important to be able to separate yourself from whatever is going on and let go of the need to control or react. When you’re able to observe rather than react, you can let go of your stress and anxiety and be more clear-headed about whatever situation you’re in.

By practicing mindfulness , it’s possible to be present with whatever is happening in your life without being attached or overly concerned by unrealistic expectations or wanting things to play out a certain way. When we try too hard or feel insecure, it can lead us into a trap where we want a situation that’s already happened over again so we can experience different results.


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