the program ‘[9320] hello.exe’ has exited with code 0 (0x0).


the program ‘[9320] hello.exe’ has exited with code 0 (0x0).

you can see this by going to the program’s directory and searching for hello.exe.

The program 9320 hello.

This is a little off-topic, but if you have a file named hello.exe that isn’t a 32-bit executable, its most likely not a 32-bit executable. The easiest way to verify this is to right-click the file and check its properties. You should see a checkbox for “Executable” under the “File Type” section.

The easiest way to find out if this is a 32-bit executable is to look at its full path. If the executable has a trailing period, then it is probably 32-bit. If its not a trailing period, then its probably 64-bit. If its a trailing period, then its probably 32-bit.

The problem here, is that hello.exe is a 32-bit executable, and the Windows directory on its own is a 64-bit directory. Hence, when the executable is run, it has no effect on the system’s memory.

The reason that the executable has exited with code 0 (0x0) is that it has exited due to a system resource error. The system is reporting that it can’t run this executable because it is not signed. The reason that this has to happen is because hello.exe is not signed. This is bad, because we need to ensure that our executable is not signed.

A signature is a file that is digitally signed with a digital certificate (usually a file created by a trusted third party). If your executable is unsigned, then a verification process can be started which will check whether the signature matches the signature on the digital certificate. The process is called a signature check. It is a good idea to make sure that your executable is signed when you download it.

This sounds like a sign that we need to sign our executable to ensure it is still legal to run. We don’t, because we are using a non-trusted source code downloader. The good news is that most of the security tools we use (in this case, the “security viewer”) will also let you know if you have a signature problem.

I don’t want to use a signed signature check, I want to use an executable check. In other words, I want to verify that the executable is signed by my signature.

The easiest way to do this is to run the file through the security viewer. If you try to run the exe directly and don’t get a security warning or a security error, then you have a signature problem, and have to either go through the security viewer again or you can try the normal way to verify.


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