When To Do Pest Control On a New House

Pest Control

Buying a new home is a worthwhile thing to be overly joyful about, especially if it’s your first. However, before moving in, you must be sure about its inner and outer states. Wall cracks, gaps, net breaks, and so on are defects to look out for to keep pests away. This implies that to certify your house free from termites and rodent intrusion, you must fix all its cosmetic issues.

Ideally, pest control should be one of the vital considerations in a new home. If you don’t know much about the field, you can visit a pest control company for recommendations. It’s essential to understand copious facts about pests. Like their probable places to abode, attractions, seasonal effects on them, etc., to chase them off.

Pest management should be a routine procedure for your house. Your level of proactivity in this regard determines how well shielded your home is from mites, termites, rats, and bugs infiltration.

If you’re unsure about when to opt for a pest solution in your new residence, here are some signs.

1. Presence of Wall Cracks

There are huge possibilities of cervices in newly built houses. That’s often due to freshly cut tree (lumber) roots with extreme moisture retention. Another possibility is the changing weather conditions. During the drying process, there could be a little shift in the foundation that would eventually lead to cracks on the wall. These are most evident at wall angles and could serve as hideouts or passages for tiny insects.

2. Moist Contents In The Home

Anything capable of soaking up can attract pests. Leaks from your drainage system, home foundation, etc., can become supportive to the growth of algae and fungi. Primarily, these are the food sources of most insects. Once this is the case in your new apartment, you might be no stranger to common pests. A dehumidifier is an effective way to dry up various areas of your home.

3. Damp Wood

Logs used for building, furniture, firewood, mulch, etc., are also harborages for termites, molds, and other insects when damp. If you have unused woods lying around your compound, it’d be best if you cleaned them up. Also, if you have wooden roof support, ensure the logs aren’t exposed to waterꟷ, especially from direct rainfall.

4. Cracks and Gaps In Major Entries

Your windows and doors must be without permeable cracks to keep crawling troublers away. A big enough space underneath your door can be a free passage to rodents. Once you notice gaps around your windows or doors, use sealants like copper mesh, mortar, or caulk to rectify the damages. In addition, replace broken nets if any are found.

5. Presence of Holes and Untidy Outer Spaces

If your new house has prior occupants, there are likely some openings made around. It could be near the conditioning units, electric cables, pipes, etc. You should check these places to be sure existing holes are plugged and closed up. Similarly, stumps and branches within lawns and backyards should be decluttered to prevent pests.


Pest disturbance could bring about a frustrating beginning in a new home. Hence as the homeowner, you must do the needful to have a splendid stay in your residence. Pest management is a technical method requiring certified experts for effectiveness. To get the service of one, stop by a center for pest control near you today.


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