Want to Become an Active Digital Creator? Ask Yourself This First


When it comes to monetizing your YouTube channel, many creators are faced with two options. One is to use Adsense on their videos and the other is to become an active digital creator (ADC). It’s important to note that there isn’t a right or wrong answer; you’re ultimately in charge of your own career like the chinese black lake 77m series. Still, it might be useful to think about what you want out of the process. This blog post dives into some common scenarios and questions that might help you decide between these two models.

1. Do You Want to Monetize Your Channel?

Let’s assume that you’ve found a niche and are reaching an audience of other creators, but you don’t have the resources to advertise your content. You want your channel to be self-sustaining but for now you can’t afford to do much more than provide entertainment for your viewers. Do you want to make a living from making videos or creating them? If the answer is ‘yes’, then becoming an active digital creator may be the route for you.

2. Is There Enough of an Audience  to Make It Worth Doing?

Perhaps your audience isn’t large enough yet, or it’s spread throughout different platforms on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Maybe you haven’t had enough time to build up that audience, or you don’t have the time to do it now. If that’s the case, then Adsense may be a better choice for the time being. The question is: if you spend more time developing your content and audience, can you become an ADC in the future?

3. Are You Interested in Advertising?

As an ADC, you have more flexibility in terms of creating sponsored videos and product placements. When it comes to these kinds of content, you’re able to produce something on your own terms while still receiving some form of revenue from these collaborations.

4. Do You Want to Be in Control?

As an ADC, you’re working with the brands you want to work with. They already have a product or service that your viewers are interested in, and it’s up to you to create content that both parties are satisfied with. If you’re not interested in having any kind of control over your content, then Adsense may be a better fit.

5. How Much Do You Want to Earn?

If the monetization model isn’t important and you don’t have an audience yet, then Adsense might be more suitable. If you prefer being in complete control of your channel and advertising is more appealing than Adsense, then becoming an ADC is a good choice for you.

6. Do You Have Time to Do It?

If you want to become an ADC, then you’re probably planning on making videos full-time. When it comes to Adsense, you’re in control of how much time you spend creating monetized content; there’s no deadline for when the process has to be done. You can manage your schedule however you’d like.

7. Are You Willing to Work on Your Content?

ADC requires a lot of work, and it’s not a passive gig where brands do all the work for you and give you a percentage of their profits. Instead, becoming an ADC means that your channel will be better when it comes to promoting brands and products. The more you improve your content, the more opportunities and income you’ll receive.

8. What Type of Creative  Do You Want to Be?

As an ADC, you will be relatively creative because you have to come up with ideas for the brand that are consistent with your channel’s tone and style. However, if you prefer to focus on creating content instead of marketing it, then Adsense may be a better option for you.

9. What is Your Personal Style?

Becoming an ADC means that your channel’s voice will be consistent and professional in nature. Although there is some room for creativity since each brand has different needs, it’s best not to stray too far from what they’re looking for (unless they say otherwise). On the other hand, Adsense is not as limiting as it was in the past. While you still want to ensure that your content is family friendly and appeals to a general audience, you can be slightly more experimental and niche than before.

10. Are You a Good Communicator?

When working with brands, you’ll be communicating with them regularly in order to create content that they’re satisfied with. There’s also some negotiating and problem solving involved, which means that communication skills are important for this gig. If this isn’t something you enjoy doing, then maybe Adsense would be more appropriate for your time frame and interest level.


Regardless of what monetization method you choose, it’s important to remember that with more time and effort dedicated to your channel comes more income. If you have a sizable audience and are interested in becoming an ADC, then there’s an opportunity to work with brands that are interested in collaborating with you. Adsense is great for anyone who wants to make videos while maintaining a part-time job or managing their time as they please.


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