The Best Type of Crypto Coin Promotion


In 2018 crypto is exploding, but with it comes a lot of scams related to forex trading. You need to know how to check out most crypto coins before you get involved in them. One of the best ways is through the number of followers they have on social media sites such as Twitter and Reddit. If this number fluctuates too much, be wary because most likely someone else is trying to scam your hard earned money away from you.

It’s important that when you are promoting your new cryptocurrency, it uses real people and not bots or computers.

1. Crypto Coin Promotion – Social Media

Blogging websites today are referring to social media as the new way to do promotion. You can also use Bitcointalk, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. However you choose to promote your crypto coin, it is important that you only post things that you have written yourself or someone else wrote for you. Never ever share articles from websites that are not well-known in the crypto world because most people will not even read them! Unless of course, this website has already started a blog about your coin and has been doing Coin Promotion for a year or so.

Using social media will allow you to build a loyal fan base. This will make people more willing to invest in your ICO.

2. Coin Promotion – CoinTalk Forum

If you are able to join a forum dedicated to cryptocurrency then this is going to be the best place for you to promote your coin! Some of these sites consist of Reddit and Bitcointalk, but they go way beyond that with their topics and rules that are set in place for their members. You’ll have freedom when promoting your coin on these forums and can also post about it on Facebook or Twitter if it is allowed by the forum’s owners.

One example of a great cryptocurrency forum is AltcoinsToday . They are only accepting ICO’s starting from $100,000, which means you won’t be able to spam the forum with the same old stuff. You need to have a decent idea of how cryptocurrency works and how your coin stands out before you even think about posting it on one of these forums.

When you join a forum dedicated to promotion, you can use Twitter directly to promote your ICO. This is because Twitter has all sorts of blacklists and they are also very strict when it comes to using bots or fake accounts. All they really want you to do is promote other people who have posted on the forum, not post your own material yourself in order for them to bring more traffic to the site. Website list is here.

3. Coin Promotion – Social Media

The second way to promote a new coin on social media, is by utilizing Facebook and Twitter. While you should be careful when promoting a new coin on Facebook, it can be an effective method for getting your message out there. Unfortunately, posting your own content is discouraged, but you are allowed to post links to other pages that have already written about your coin. Just make sure the people who you are posting for are legitimate and not bots.

On Twitter, however, it can be much more difficult because they frown upon all forms of spamming and they also do not allow bots or fake accounts to be set up. They also have a huge blacklist and if you are a newbie when it comes to promoting coins, then there is a good chance you could get banned.

You can raise your coin’s credibility by having more followers than the other cryptocurrencies around today. You can go about this in two different ways of manaul outreach.

4. Crypto Coin Promotion – Twitter

The first way is to purchase Twitter followers for your ICO from Social Selling . This will allow you to have up to 15k followers within 24 hours! You need to have at least 1000 followers before you’re allowed to sell yours, which means that their website will gain even more credibility than it already has when compared to other websites that offer similar services. This will also allow you to have a voice on Twitter itself, which is something very few coins get.

The second way to raise your coin’s credibility is by using Twitter hashtags. This does not mean just to attach a hashtag with your marketing material, but also to actually tweet about the hashtag. You need to be able to answer questions about why you chose the hashtag and why it can help others if they use this coin.

5. Coin Promotion – Facebook

Another way that you can increase the credibility of your coin is by continuing with your social sharing for a few weeks after release.

The Facebook audience is a big one when it comes to promoting crypto igaming anything. With the right strategy you can double your sales within days. However, before you even think about promoting your ICO or any other cryptocurrency on Facebook, you need to make sure that you’re not banned from their website. You should also make sure that you’re following all of the rules listed on their website and if necessary, just send them a message to let them know what your plans are for promotion.


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