Advantages of opting for daycare


Early learning and child care is often a hotly debated topic. While preschool attendance is not mandatory in Australia, the work culture requires parents to opt for some sort of daycare. The suburban regions of Victoria have started to demonstrate this trend, with demand for childcare in Preston and other places rising post the pandemic. Parents are actually often unaware of the benefits of early childhood education and care. Daycare centres and preschools are also distinguished based on several parameters. The principles, methods of education and the development of other skills are factors to be considered while choosing a daycare. Clearing the ambiguity is pertinent to ensure optimum growth and development of a child. Some advantages of opting for daycare include –

Easier Transition to School

Daycare helps children adapt to school life. Increased social interactions with teachers and other kids of their age can make them more receptive to the school environment. The warm atmosphere of daycare centres acts as a bridge between home and school. Research conducted by the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) indicates a positive correlation between a child’s development at school and preschool experiences. Data from the AEDC claims that children who received some sort of early childhood education were less likely to be developmentally vulnerable than those who received none at all (19% compared to 39%). ‘School readiness’ plays a pivotal role in how well a child takes to formal education. Hence, preschool or daycare with structured programmes is essential to prepare a child for the next 5-6 years. The Montessori method of education is an example of a successful learning programme for young children. Montessori centres are now one of the most popular options for childcare in Preston and other Victorian suburbs. 

Improved Cognitive Development

Daycare centres feature various kinds of tools and methods to educate children. It is scientifically proven that most cognitive functions can be improved during the early years of life. Preschool curricula are developed in a manner that boosts IQ and concentration. Performance in school is directly linked to early childhood education. Learning from a young age enhances a child’s imagination and creativity. Furthermore, children develop essential social skills such as controlling impulses and behaving appropriately. Thus, it is evident that daycare plays a primary role in shaping one’s character and outlook towards life.

Expression and Communication

Even incredibly smart children find it hard to express themselves. A curious child may not be able to convey their thoughts and ask questions about their discoveries, leading to a communication gap. Daycare centres resolve this issue by instilling basic artistic and literary skills in their students. Learning to draw/paint helps a child to express their feelings and emotions explicitly. They feel understood and are more affectionate to those around them.  


Daycare centres help children inculcate the right attitude from an early age. Studies show that children enrolled in daycare/preschools exhibit a higher degree of curiosity, persistence and positivity. Activities conducted by daycare centres foster a spirit of independence and makes children more confident of their abilities. They learn the importance of hard work and remain self-reliant throughout their lives. 


Working moms find it extremely difficult to balance career and family. A young child requires constant attention and care for optimum development. Hence, daycare centres are the ideal solution for busy parents. Most preschools offer flexible timings and plenty of amenities.

For further details and data regarding preschools/daycare centres, click here. So, in this article, you learnt about the advantages of opting for daycare.


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