Freelancing and Friends: Choosing the “Support” that Matters


We all have that one friend that loves to be the support system for their friends, but not so much when it comes to being that support system for themselves. 

You’ve probably seen your best friend take on too much and make near-disastrous decisions in an effort to help everyone else. 

Here at has some more information about Freelancing and Friends: Choosing the “Support” that Matters.

Just like in many other aspects of life, it’s important to recognize what you need and what you don’t need when it comes to friendships. 

Today we’ll talk about how to evaluate whether or not you’re in a healthy friendship and then we’ll go into some actionable steps towards building better relationships with your friends by choosing the “support” that matters.

Here are some points discussed about Choosing the “Support” that Matters-

1. Be honest with yourself

Honesty is one of the most difficult things to come by. Fact is that your friends want you to be honest with them about how you really are feeling. 

They want to hear the truth about how often you’re actually taking action on making plans because after all, they’d love for you to stick around. 

And if you make them travel out of town for an event, they’ll be there in support–with or without your best friend. If this sounds like something that’s important to consider before choosing “support” then go ahead and read on.

2. Be honest with your friends

It’s always better to be honest with your friends about how you’re really feeling. Some people are just not aware that they’re being annoying or that their behavior is rubbing you the wrong way. 

For example, if you have a friend who tends to cancel plans at the last minute or usually isn’t very reliable, it’s better to be honest about this so they can improve rather than pretending everything is inviolable.

At the same time, it’s important to respect each other, if you know that your friend tends to be pretty laid back about things then don’t take it upon yourself to remind them every time they forget something.

3. Choose the right support for yourself

This is typically what you want to focus on when it comes to developing friendships. If you’ve noticed someone who’s supportive of others more than themselves, they may be taking on too much whether it’s personal or professional. 

You might consider getting their attention by noticing how often they check in with their friends versus checking up on themselves. 

It might help them realize how much they need to prioritize their personal relationships over everyone else and if not, you’re doing the right thing by letting them know that their lack of effort is frustrating you.

4. Don’t be afraid of conflict

A lot of people think that conflict is bad and leads to drama, but the truth is that conflict leads to growth and change. 

It’s important to know when it’s time to call a friend out on their foolishness since we all make mistakes. Even though we all trust each other, we can’t let our friends get away with destructive behavior or silently put up with them indefinitely. 

This might put a strain on your friendship and it can become very uncomfortable for you and your friend.

5. Don’t be superficial

People often forget how hard it can be on you when you’re not getting the support that you deserve from people you consider friends even if they don’t realize it. 

You need to be sure that you’re getting the support you need in order to thrive and live out the life that you want. 

If your friend is more concerned with what you can do for them than how they can benefit from your friendship, it’s time to evaluate whether or not that friendship is working for you.

6. Make sure everyone is getting what they need

Another reason why it’s important not to get caught up in superficiality when choosing your friends is because if one of them isn’t getting what they truly want out of their relationships then this puts them in a position where they might make decisions that negatively impact the relationship like ending the friendship suddenly even without having given prior notice or warning.

7. Avoid jealousy

One of the most common types of conflict occurs when people are jealous of the success of others. 

It’s perfectly fine to notice someone else’s success or to even be happy for them, but jealousy is never okay especially if you’re your friend. 

If your friend continues to grow and become successful without ever noticing your contributions, it might be time to reconsider your friendship with them.


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