Get Your Friends to Buy from You: Why It’s Important


There is a sense of safety and calm when we enter a store and we feel relieved to see the people we know and to feel relaxed while we select the items we need at that store. Free Opinion IST says, if we talk to the people on our staff and on the floor that we trust then we will feel reluctant to choose an item from a store that we do not know. We do not go on a new product on the shelf and not know how it is made, how long it will last, and if we like the new products, we will appreciate the honesty and fairness and assume that we and the new products will get along. We will feel sadness and disappointment. 

We may suffer loss and sorrow and we will resent such a feeling and such a situation and such a product and such a store. We will complain to others about the unfairness of it all. We would not live contented lives if we do not feel safe and if we do not trust others. We do not want to go near the wrong product or the wrong store or the wrong salesperson with its sales pitch. And, the salesperson who is up-to-date is trained to sell the product he or she is selling. He/she knows the product. He/she knows the way that the product is made. He/she would not try to talk with us that do not know the product. He/she knows the product’s quality. He/she knows its price.

This is why it is very important for us to feel safe.

If we are feeling safe with the product, then we are happy. If we are feeling safe with the salesperson, then we are happy. If we are happy, then we are content. I believe that contentment is our aim in life. We are happy with the situation when we feel safe. For example, when we go to the library, we feel safe when we see familiar faces in the library. We feel safe when we see the staff in the library that we know about their job. We know that we would go to that library when we need information or ideas or information or anything.

The people in the library feel welcomed when they see us when we enter the library. And, some of them will greet us and would want to ask us how we are and some would want to talk to us and some would ask us questions. When we feel happy and content and we know we are in the right store, then we can talk to others that we normally would not talk to. We do not want to scare away the salespeople unless we want to tell them about our suffering. We do not want to scare away others when we try to help the sales people to overcome the suffering of the customer. 

Do not want to frighten our friends

We do not want to frighten our friends when we tell them that we want to tell them that they should buy more products. If we trust the salesperson then we would want that salesperson to trust us. If we trust the store then we do not want our friends to think that the store will lose the trust of others. When we trust the product then we want our friends to think that the product manufactured by that company is worth buying from the company. We want to ask our friends to help us buy from that company. 

We want to ask our friends to buy from that company. We want to ask the company to sell the product to us and to our friends. We want to ask the company to sell the product and the service and the information and the support and the comfort and the joy and the ease and the happy and the enjoyment of the time we spend together and we want to buy the product and the enjoyment of the time we spend together and we want to buy the product and we want to buy the joy of the time we spend together. 

Trust your friends

If we want our friends to trust us and think that they can trust us when we tell them about a product, then we should know their opinion. We should know what is right and what is wrong in telling them about a product that we may like or that we may think is good for their use. If we do not know their opinion, then it is better for us to not tell them anything about the product and buy only by ourselves and buy from nobody else except ourselves. We will not feel safe while we buy the product if we do not know how good it is for us. 

We will not feel safe when we buy the product if we do not know how long it will last. We will not feel safe when we buy the product if we do not trust the company that made that product. We will not feel safe when we buy the new products on the shelf of any store without knowing about its quality and price, and whether it is made of high-quality materials or whether they are cheap materials.


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