Is It Just Me, or Is Civil Engineering Totally Overrated?


While some might say that a career in civil engineering is an appropriate, noble profession of its own, there are many others who cannot fathom how this major seems totally irrelevant when compared to the other majors like marketing or business like draconic evolution fusion crafting. I think the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle for most people. It’s true that engineering does not get as much recognition as it should, but that does not mean it is worthless either. In fact, I think many people under look this field because of how difficult it can be to catch on to and focus fully on a single topic in such a vast discipline.

1. “Engineering is so difficult. It’s not just me trying to catch up, it’s everyone!”

In truth, engineering can be very challenging for many people. But the problem isn’t really with the major itself, it has more to do with the difficulty of understanding what you’re doing in a specific class. If a certain class requires a massive amount of effort and you still don’t understand everything after putting in all that time and energy, it’s probably not that class that is difficult—it is you. I have heard many times from classmates and professors alike to actually take time out of our busy schedules to sit down and think through whatever concepts we might be struggling with.

2. “I just don’t understand. I don’t know how to deal with this.”

It is hard enough dealing with the workload involved in being a full-time student and having a part-time job—we don’t need the added stress of figuring out our major all on our own. The key to success, at least for me, was to take advantage of office hours and talk to professors about whatever it is I didn’t understand. Even if the answer I receive isn’t what I want to hear, it is still better than spending hours trying to figure things out on my own only for them never to fully sink in.

3. “I’m not sure if what I’m learning is useful in my future career, but why should I study it? No one else does.”

As aforementioned, most people don’t have the same interest in engineering as you do—it’s not a very popular major. And even if they did, coming to understand what the professor is teaching can take hours upon hours of class time and even more frustration. Taking advantage of office hours is not only a great way to learn what you need to know, but it also gives you access to students who are just as eager as you are to learn new things. It can also be very interesting and rewarding discussing things with your classmates like this.

4. “I don’t want to be a civil engineer… I want to be a writer!”

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you will never make it in this field. There is a ton of room for improvement and a lot of opportunities out there. While it might not be easy making it as an engineer, most people have the talent, determination and ability to figure out what they really want to do with their lives. Even if you don’t feel like engineering is right for you, don’t just give up on your dreams—figure out what way would work best for you and go after it!

5. “I don’t know what job I want to have, but engineering seems to be so important.”

There are many ways to go about figuring out what you want to do with your life. Some people prefer the process of finding themselves while others concentrate on their career goals first and think about their personal one later on. Either way, the point here is that you shouldn’t let your major stop you from doing what you really want to do. Sure, being an engineer might not be a very popular option now—but most people aren’t engineers—they aren’t as successful either. If you want something, just go for it!

6. “Civil engineering is a bit too expensive.”

It is true that education costs money, but the truth behind this statement is that the other students in your program are just as guilty of overspending. Save up and don’t buy an extra textbook or bring home a bunch of unnecessary books to take home before you finish reading them. There are plenty of ways to cut down on your expenses without sacrificing quality and enjoyment that come with education. Paying attention in class, doing homework, going to office hours and not wasting too much time on Facebook or Twitter can all help you save money.

7. “I have to work full-time and go to school full-time—I don’t have time for anything.”

This is a very tough situation to be in, especially if you do not have the option of taking out any loans or breaking up your classes. In the end, it all boils down to prioritizing and figuring out what is most important to you. The same goes for anyone who lives alone—you will probably need help from others more often than not. This could mean asking your parents for some money every now and then or getting a roommate who has a similar schedule as you do. Whatever works for you, work with it!

8. “Civil engineers don’t make much money.”

Yes, it is true that not everyone in civil engineering makes a lot of money, but there are many factors at work here—and they all have to do with what you’re willing to put into this field. If you’re willing to learn and take advantage of the opportunities that are out there for you, then you will be much more successful than someone who is not. Be prepared to put in the time and effort needed to succeed.


All of the above statements are from my own observations over the past four years. I’ve discovered that there are plenty of ways to deal with these problems and that sometimes we have to just roll our eyes to realize that it’s us who are being difficult. In the end, these problems result in unnecessary stress and poor time management—especially when trying to get an education like civil engineering. It is always a good idea to talk about your difficulties and ask for help when you need it, especially if you’re in a group of friends that may also be students or work full-time.


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