The Colorful History of Crunch Fitness App


What is the Fitness app Crunch and why are so many people using it?

The Fitness app Crunch is available on the Apple Store, Google Play, and the Windows App Store. It provides workout plans based on health goals (which can be inputted into the app and tailored to your body type), offers live classes with expert instructors, has trainers who offer advice through text messages, or in-person video consultations. The most popular service by far is that of live workouts led by either a professional trainer or an expert in the field. These range from quick six-minute “killer” workouts to longer, more aerobic sessions.

The app is well organized, has a sleek and modern graphic design, and is extremely easy to navigate. It allows the user to track their workouts and other health related activities that can include sleep, water intake, weight loss progress etc. It also makes it very easy to start a conversation with coaches from the app (24/7 support) or directly through social media or email. Crunch recently launched an Apple Watch app which enables you to start your work out right from your wrist.

Use of the app:

The big question surrounding the app is its use. Is it a crutch for the user to hide behind, or is it a tool that will help them reach their goals? It has become increasingly difficult to separate the rumors from actual facts about what the app actually does and how well it works.

“It’s not as good as the Fittest 5K, which I used to be on. There are so many people who have been training for years and just gave up. And then they came running into Crunch because it was free and they got addicted! They didn’t realize that they were getting a free workout but they just kept coming back day after day.

How to use the app?

The app offers a variety of workout plans to its users. These plans vary in difficulty and time commitment. Overall it is a great way to start a workout routine, particularly if you have any fitness goals in mind that you would like to achieve within a certain time frame.

It is especially useful for those people who have more free time during the day and therefore can’t commit to private one-on-one training sessions or group classes for long periods at least not initially. Users can go through the process of creating their own custom workout plans if they want, or they can just choose from pre-made exercise routines.

Features of the app:

Access to live workouts and trainers (paid subscription)

1:1 Chat with coaches anytime, anywhere (paid subscription)

Customized plans based on your individual fitness goals, equipment and skill level (free) Video, audio and text lessons (free)

Pros/Cons of using the app:

PRO – It’s very easy to set up a workout schedule and follow it. You can choose the type of training you are interested in doing whether its weight lifting, swimming or anything else. The plan is then tailored to your level of fitness and you get a goal to achieve within a certain amount of time. The app also makes it easy for users to track their progress.

CON – Not all of the workouts are great. The training schedules are limited, most of the exercises are not shown in great detail and there is little guidance for inexperienced users.

What is the point of using this app?

The main purpose of using Crunch is to give people an incentive to get into shape and stay in shape. It’s not a simple barbell or dumbbell workout. It doesn’t tell you exactly when you need to do each exercise, so you might be unsure about how much weight to use and how many reps to do. But it is a great way to get into exercise if you are new to the gym or if you don’t have time for one-on-one training sessions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this app?

The advantages of using this app include: a variety of workout styles, access to live video workouts and trainer assistance, and motivation through social media. The disadvantages include: limited workout styles, training schedules can be confusing, little guidance for inexperienced users, and inability to choose specific instructors or workouts. Crunch was created within the last 2 years (2014). It offers its users over 60 different workout styles from yoga to martial arts. It also gives them access to over 10 million exercises. Crunch offers its users over 50 different workout routines varying in length and intensity. There are also over 2,000,000 workouts completed every month by their members.

What is the point of using this app? 

The main purpose of using Crunch is to give people an incentive to get into shape and stay in shape. It’s not a simple barbell or dumbbell workout. It doesn’t tell you exactly when you need to do each exercise, so you might be unsure about how much weight to use and how many reps to do. But it is a great way to get into exercise if you are new to the gym or if you don’t have time for one-on-one training sessions.


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