A Deep Dive Into Harry Potter Wiki Games


What are Harry Potter Wiki Games?

Harry Potter Wiki Games is a collection of Harry Potter games created by Wikia users. The games can be viewed for free on nearly any internet-connected device.

What kind of games?

The wiki has the most extensive collection of Harry Potter quizzes, treasure hunts, and recipe pages anywhere on the Internet. You can also play Harry Potter card games like Exploding Snap or find fun facts about your favorite characters with personality quizzes that span every one of JK Rowling’s books.

How do I play?

No registration is required to play any of the games. Simply type in a search query, browse the games in your search results, tap on the game you wish to play and start playing.

Most games are available on mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows 8), but a few require a computer to be played. All games can be played using JavaScript and do not require Flash or a browser plugin to work.

How can I access the page?

HPMG is accessible from nearly any internet-connected device. Most mobile devices, desktops and laptops are supported, and more features are added often.

We do our best to ensure compatibility with all devices as much as possible, but some games may not be compatible with your specific browser or device. If you experience any problems with a specific game or device that is not listed in the answer above, please let us know in the comments section below or on the talk page of that game.

Can I use this site at school?

Absolutely! HPMG is available for educational purposes under fair use guidelines. You are free to run HPMG for students in your school, classroom, or library. However, please note that we do our best to not distribute copyrighted material without permission. If you want to use a game or game content on staff pages (e.g. posts, profiles), please contact the wiki owner so we can give you permission through your school system first.

Is this site for commercial purposes:

While we would love for you to use all of the little games on HPMG for free, we do require that you include a link back to the official Harry Potter Wiki in your game design. We also reserve the right to take down any games that are not accompanied by a license and/or permission from an administrator.

Can I post on HPMG without having accounts on other sites?

No. Each game has it’s own account, which means you have to have a separate account on each platform where you play the game (iOS, Android, and PC). This policy is in place so no platforms are overloaded with duplicate content or information. This way, content is more uniform and consistent for users across all games.

Can I make a game on HPMG?

Yes! The wiki owner will help you get started if you’re having trouble. Just talk to an administrator! We have a great community and we’d love to see what kind of creativity can be brought to the Harry Potter Wiki Games!

Is this site funded by Wikia?

No. HPMG started out as a Wikia project but has since separated from Wikia and has now become its own independent fan website. Funding comes from donations; not the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikia).

How can I get involved?

We love your enthusiasm! We’re always looking for new developers, and we’d be glad to help you out if you have any questions. Since the wiki is user-created, you don’t need any previous programming experience to contribute to the site. You can also join the Harry Potter Wiki Games community by making an account (or, in some cases, editing a page) or just by leaving a comment – it doesn’t matter where you start!

Report a problem:

If you find something that seems broken or weird on HPMG, let us know! We’re not perfect, and we love hearing from people that enjoy our games. You can also contact an administrator to let us know about a problem.

Can I make edits to pages?

All of the games are community-oriented. All users are welcome to play on the site, and you don’t need an account (or the username “Guest”) to edit or create a page. However, only users that are approved by an administrator can create new pages.

Will my credit card information be safe?

We do everything we can to ensure the safety and security of all personal information at HPMG. We use PayPal for donations and a single point of entry for password recovery; all credit card information is secure using the encrypting SSL feature which means the data is transmitted over an encrypted connection between your browser and our host server.

How should I contact you?

Feel free to contact us with any questions! You can also join our forums on the wiki or wherever you like on your preferred communication platform (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc).

How can I contact the owner?

If you have any questions or suggestions, please talk to an administrator. We’re always happy to see what new games and features people can come up with!

Post an image on HPMG?

Yes, absolutely! You are free to submit your own images from your own website or from other places on the internet. Please include a link back to HPMG in the caption or any credits so that our users know where your content appears on the site. 


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