Since the first Republican debate, two more have taken place. Between them they’ve covered topics ranging from taxes to immigration, and more.
We live blogged the first three of these Republican debates with information about who was on stage and what they said.
Unlike many other live blogs you might find online, ours includes only the most important moments in each debate.
You can also read a very similar live blogging guide to the Democratic debates between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Here are the updates of the live blogging republican debate.
For a recap of all the things we’ve said so far, read our first post here: The Republican Debate “Leaders” Include All But One of the Candidates Lying About Their Positions on Climate Change.
Those comments were written before Mike Huckabee became the newest Republican candidate to claim that humans have no effect on climate change, or that it won’t any time soon.
We’re continuing our live blog because we don’t know if higher polling candidates will join Huckabee in denying reality for political gain.
Here are some points discussed about The Republican Debate-
1. First Republican Debate Recap
The first Republican presidential debate was held on Fox News.
The big winner of the debate was Donald Trump, who dominated the non-substantive questions about “birther” conspiracies by saying that he brought the issue to national attention.
Other winners included Carly Fiorina and Rand Paul, the only two candidates that were able to give direct answers to the questions asked of them.
On the other hand, Jeb Bush struggled to find his footing throughout much of it.
2. Second Republican Debate Recap
The second GOP debate occurred on CNN this time around. The clear winner was Marco Rubio, who once again gave direct responses but also showed great confidence and maturity in doing so. The loser of the night was Ben Carson, who gave answers that weren’t very clear or well-thought out.
3. Third Republican Debate Recap
The third Republican presidential debate occurred on CNBC. John Kasich and Chris Christie dominated the night with their conversational style and humor, and both seemed to be the only people who actually understood what was going on during the debate.
The other winners were Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz, as they both came off as strong during particular moments of the debate.
The loser of the night was Jeb Bush who simply wasn’t as strong as he needed to be to be taken seriously as a candidate for the presidency.
4. Recently Added Resources
Resources added to the site recently include an infographic about the Republican Debate and a slideshow about Donald Trump.
We’re currently looking for a graphics designer to help us create a proper landing page for this site, as well as other ways to expand it going forward.
5. About Us
We’re the original live blog of the presidential election, starting when it became clear that there would be two candidates named Clinton and Sanders.
Our founder is Randal Goodmanson, Jr., who welcomes any feedback for improvement or additions to this site.
To contact him send an email to [email protected] . If you’re interested in donating money to help us pay for hosting fees you can send an email to [email protected] .
The site’s hosts are located in the United States and that’s where your donations will go too.
6. Disclaimer
This live blog was created by Randal Goodman, Jr. This live blog has been copied verbatim for the purpose of sharing with the public via social media.
This live blog was not written by professional writers, reporters, or book authors. Everything in this live blog is either an opinion or an interpretation of events that took place at the debates.
7. Copying & Reusing
If you would like to copy any of the information in this live blog to use in research or reports please cite this live blog as your source.
You must also attribute the original writer by making sure to include their name when you share it so you give them the credit they deserve for taking time out of their busy schedule to write it.
8. Contact Us
You can contact Randal Goodman, Jr. via email at [email protected] or social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, or Google+.
9. Thank You
Thank you for visiting our live blog. We hope that you were able to find something useful about the Republican debates somewhere in here, even if it was just a smile or a laugh.
We hope that this site is able to serve as a reference point for anyone interested in the presidential race and we look forward to seeing everyone at the next debate!