Calm and Serene Meditation room interior design

Home Decor

The design for the meditation room interior must be a place of refuge, release and peace. The overall space should feel like a sanctuary, with deep colors and textures to cultivate states of inner calm. Plants are always a good idea too!Jobsrose

Refreshments can be provided in various shapes and forms – try wine glasses or balls of mossy ferns. These restful surroundings can help create an “cloud factory” where powerful thoughts can emerge from the depths of your mind without any difficulty.


1. The room should be tranquil, quiet and soothing.

 The ideal is to have a completely dark space, but in combination with soft lighting to create the sense of being in a cave-like environment. Colored lights and flowers can also aid in creating a space of serenity. 

The ceiling should be of dark color tones to create an overall impression of depth. Make sure to make the walls soft and deferential by using textures such as plush carpets, drapes or hanging fabrics instead of hard surfaces that can prevent easy access to the mind’s calm feelings.

2. Color palette of the meditation room.

Use rich colors – red, blue, green, or earthy tones to create an aura of serenity or relaxation as if you are in a real forest/forest environment. The colors should have a “cause and effect” beauty that complement each other harmoniously with no pure and simple colors such as black or white.

3. Soft lighting and candles.

For a more relaxed atmosphere, use soft light with candles around the room to create a warm connection to your surroundings. This can also be done using diffuse light from lamps or strategically placed art for illumination.

4. Use comfortable seating arrangements such as pillows and throws for extra relaxation.

Have soft furniture so that your body won’t get fatigued fast and you will feel refreshed after meditating in the same place (this can be prevented by simply moving around while meditating). These seats can also serve as props that hold natural objects such as fresh flowers (to symbolize growth above stagnation), or driftwood rocks (to symbolize stability within the river of change).

5. Natural elements.

Allowing the elements of nature to be a part of meditation room interior design can create a feeling of tranquility that is essential for your mental well being. Adding an aquarium or painting a wall with water design may help in calming your frayed nerves and urges. These should be placed in the area where you sit down because they could cover up the wall or other parts of the room if placed in a different place, interfering with your mood.

6. Bring color and mindfulness to the outside world.

It is always nice to have a reading nook in the garden with a plush seat, some pillows, and maybe a small pond or something else natural like the forest floor! 

The point here is to bring back your awareness of nature by helping your senses to relax and focus on the beauty around you. In this case, you can store meditation cushions inside that can be used outdoors when needed or kept in a closet when not in use.

7. A beautiful garden is a perfect place to practice meditation.

Gardens can be the perfect place to meditate because they contain the elements that make great meditation environments: green, trees, flowers and stones. Also, the feeling of nature helps you develop a sense of community with yourself and other nearby plants and animals. 

An added bonus to this type of space is that it’s easy to create a private yet public area where people can stretch their legs too!

8. Alternatively, use a meditation space in your home.

In this case you can use a space with a lot of white walls and interior design to create an area where you can retreat from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life to find inner peace, if you choose it as a method of calming yourself down. 

The need for people to meditate is becoming more prominent daily as more people are seeking alternative ways to cope with the pressures of being immersed in the fast-paced world that we live in today, so location doesn’t really matter.

9. Use candles to create a soft light and dim the lights low.

Candles can be a very effective way to give you that private and quiet place that your mind needs when it comes time to meditate. Low lighting will make your surroundings appear more serene, and the candlelight will help you focus on following your breathing patterns.

 In this case, you can store meditation cushions inside that can be used outdoors when needed or kept in a closet when not in use. Descent is a place where you can find pots of scented wax which are a lot cheaper than an entirely new candle!


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