This Is How Google Docs Will Look Like In 10 Years Time


This blog post by Forbes is a statement on how Google Docs has evolved over the last ten years and how it will continue to do so in the future. As well as discussing what changes have made Google Docs so incredibly popular, Forbes also predicts that these changes will make it even easier for people to collaborate with others using their own devices than they are at present. There is no doubt that this software is one of the most found articles on Google and shows that it has changed significantly over time. How to make different headers for each page in google docs, how to insert table into google doc, how do you make a picture bigger in google docs, youtube video of how to make more columns in google docs, brand new features of google docs.

Google Docs is the most widely used editing tool at the moment and it is difficult to find another one that is as good as this one. It is not just used by professional writers and editors but it can be found in large numbers in schools and colleges where students use this app for research purposes. Since it has been designed using the computer application called Google Chrome, people have reported that they have not faced any problems with different formatting styles because both of these applications have the same basic functionality.

This Is How Google Docs Will Look Like In 10 Years Time :

1. Voice Typing

Voice typing was introduced in the year 2016 and it became very popular among people as soon as it was launched. Many of the users have been using this app on a day to day basis for writing documents, reports and letters. At present, it is only available on Android devices but there are plans to launch it on other devices in the near future. 

For those who are unaware about this application, you have to make sure that you install it on your phone using an android device and once you have installed it then you can start using its voice typing feature. The interesting feature of this application is that once you have started using this feature, it will appear on the bottom of your phone screen.

2. Snooze To-Do List (Back To Tomorrow)

This is a feature which was launched in the year 2018 and it was also introduced alongside voice typing. This feature is very much like your work calendar where you will have to be able to see all the tasks that you have to do in the upcoming days and here you can schedule all those tasks and set a time for them to be completed. This will help you keep yourself really organized and for those who are using Google Docs, they can easily manage their daily activities.

3. The Side Panel

This is a feature that will come out in the year 2020 and it will come with some great new features. This panel is actually located on the lower corner of your screen and it has been designed to help you keep all your activities organized. The reason why this panel is so useful is because it will show you all the recent documents that you have been working on as well as help you manage tasks as well as notes that are being kept for future use. Apart from this, this side panel will also assist you in keeping any searches that you have been using for a particular project or task.

4. The Page Scrolling Function

This is a feature that will be introduced in the year 2021 and it is designed to reduce hassle for users who find it difficult to scroll up and down through a particular page. This feature will come out with many great features but the main reason why we are featuring it in our list of how google doc is going to look in ten years time is because it will allow you to increase work efficiency which means that you can really save a lot of time. Many people have reported that they are using this feature on a daily basis and they have found this feature very useful.

5. The One Doc

This feature is another one that will be introduced in the year 2021 and it will allow you to have multiple different documents on your phone. It will be useful for people who are doing a lot of research online and they have to create different reports. This feature will allow you to have a single document that can be shared by all your family or friends which will be very helpful for the future.

6. The Project View (Google Keep)

This is a feature that was launched in the year 2018 and it has been designed to help you keep all your notes organized in one place. This feature will come out with many cool features but the main reason why we are featuring it on our list is because it will allow you to keep one file at a time and if you have multiple documents then they can be stored in different folders.

7. The Report View

This is a feature that will be introduced in the year 2021 and people who are not aware about it need to know that this feature was designed so that you can share your project with other people who are working in the same field or profession.


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