11 Hottest Android Trends for 2023


When 2019 arrives, the mobile world will be very different from what it is now. Just as much as the computer industry transforms with each new year, the mobile industry is occasionally shaken up by a new development that takes our phones to a whole new level as android ashes of the singularity images. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 11 Android trends for 2023 and what they might look like in five years.

1- Smartphones become less and less popular:

In 2020, consumers will finally realize that their smartwatches are more useful than their smartphones. Wearable devices have always been more functional than phones but now they have shifted into a whole other dimension with augmented reality incorporation. When the sales of smartwatches drop, most manufacturers have decided to stop production. At the same time, makers of traditional technology (laptops, desktops) are not releasing phones that are competitive and too expensive for the general market. The smartphones themselves become less popular as a result of the price gap between high-end and low-end models. People buy less handsets and invest more in wearables rather than their smartphones

2- Android One goes global:

Android One is a project from Google in which software updates are applied to previously released Nexus devices to provide timely updates. In this way, we’re pretty confident that users will be able to use their Android devices for longer periods without problems. As a result, Android One becomes more popular and is adopted all over the world. This can be done by implementing more transparency in the process of software updates and ensuring that devices are reliable when it comes to security.

3- Bixby gets upgraded:

In 2023, Bixby will go through some upgrades and processes to improve its capabilities. Its ability to process natural language will continue to develop but it also has a new feature called “Bixby Translator” that translates text from one language into another.

4- Artificial intelligence replaces human power:

As mentioned before, AI will dominate computing in just five years. We will be able to use computers to do almost anything we want. At the same time, human power is replaced by AI as its computing power is underestimated by many experts. It’s too expensive to develop the necessary computing power and algorithms to fully incorporate AI into our everyday lives but it will be the norm by 2023.

5- The end of Google:

Google becomes less a direct competitor of Apple because it has become too dependent on Android or any other software platform for that matter. Its relevance in the mobile industry decreases as it controls much less than what it once did. In 2023, Google will sell its subsidiary Alphabet which generates most of its revenue from advertising and ventures such as Nest, Waymo and more.

6- Privacy is the main focus of all mobile operating systems:

Due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal in which the data of a few million Facebook users was shared with Cambridge Analytica and used to influence elections, privacy will become a huge deal in the future. In 2023, all operating systems are focused on protecting users’ privacy. Apple and Google are both working on making sure that there is no data collected by apps without your permission.

7- Augmented reality becomes part of everyday life:

AR has been in use for years but it has yet to be adopted by most consumers. That will change with new AR devices such as HoloLens coming out in 2022. As AR grows in popularity, Google will also release other AR devices such as Google Glass 3 to the market.

8- iPhone is still the king of smartphones:

An interesting bit of information here is that the iPhone will actually be the most popular smartphone in 2023 with a 65% market share. As a result, Apple releases multiple versions including the iPhone X2, X3 and more to satisfy consumers’ needs. The iPhone will continue to be very popular because of its premium design, brand value and high reliability.

9- Android applications are open source:

Open source development has been around for a long time but it is not commonly used by developers nowadays. In 2023, Google decided to make some changes to Android by changing the development process of its apps so they can be developed by multiple parties. This new development model becomes very popular and creates more competition in the operating system arena.

10- Virtual reality is still popular:

VR has not been as successful as many had predicted but it’s still a relevant technology for the next few years. In 2023, all Apple products will have augmented reality apps and features whilst all Android devices will have virtual reality software support.

11- No more fingerprint scanners:

As mobile technology evolves at a very fast rate, biometric scanners such as fingerprint scanners are going to be replaced by face recognition software and iris scanning systems in 2023.


Android’s popularity and the number of smartwatches will continue to go up but cheap and durable smartphones will remain popular. AI will become more important and subsequently, the power of our smartphone will be more focused on AI-related algorithm development than it is on technology itself. It is believed that Android One becomes more popular because its updates are performed in a transparent manner and all vendors are participating in its development.

Android’s biggest competitors would be iOS and Windows Phone, which would try to improve their sources so they can get a bigger share of the market. Google would still be working on new features such as Bixby Translator while Apple focuses on improving its software experience in general.


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