Best tools for a content writer

The most important aspect in being a content writer is being able to think creatively when it comes to your writing.  Riddim Saunter has many...

You must learn these 12 things!

We surveyed over 1,000 people and asked them what they considered to be the most important things that they wanted to learn.  Riddim Saunter has...

Great dancers of all time who didn’t get much recognition for their talent

While most people have heard of the world's most famous dancers, there are many great dancers who you may not be as familiar with.  In...

What’s happening in the world of politics? : Latest Updates

A lot has happened in the world of politics this week. What should we be paying attention to? Theresa May's Brexit deal is on thin...

All the ways to promote your instagram account

There are many different ways people promote themselves on Instagram, but the most popular seems to be posting quality images.  This can be quite hard...

Facts about the market giants

People tend to forget the fact that Amazon and Walmart are actually businesses. The other, lesser known fact is that brick and mortar business...

The unsolved murder mystery

The unsolved murder mystery is one of the most engaging, intriguing, and frustrating mysteries in all of human history.  With no conclusive evidence, many questions...

Are you a book lover? 10 books you should never miss!

If you are a book lover, there are certain books that you should never miss. This is a list of 10 amazing books that...

Do these for helping your mental health

Mental health is something that cannot be ignored. If you are experiencing anything from chronic depression to situational anxiety, there are steps you can...

7 things that are complete waste of money

If you're looking to save some money, it's important to understand what exactly is a waste of money because time and again people are...