Synonyms for first-grade

Hand flips wooden cubes with the inscription antonym and synonym.

First grade is a stage of education, the beginning of school. Some people call it kindergarten, preschool, or pre-school. 

It’s also called primary school in some areas. A first grader is someone who has just started primary school.

A high-quality synonym for first grade would be nursery school or kindergarten. 

The words to learn are taught very early on in life and there are many opportunities to send children off into different classrooms for their specific needs until they reach sixth grade when they can attend high school instead of elementary school. 

The National Education Association says, “Nursery school is a pre-school setting where children are taught the basics. Nursery school programs teach the development of preschoolers in their own classrooms in separate age groups.”

Here are some points discussed about the top notch synonym

1. Primary school 

A primary school is a kind of school for kids aged 5 to 11. 

The oldest primary schools were set up by churches or charities as a way to educate poor children who would not have been able to afford the fees of a private school.

2. High School.

High school is a kind of secondary school for students from grades 9th to 12th. In the U.S., some high schools have lower levels called middle schools, which are grades 6th to 8th, and junior highs, which are grades 7th and 8th. 

In most places, high school students take classes together in big groups at their own level, so there are no separate classes for first graders.

3. Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a place for first graders where they learn the same things as first graders in smaller groups.

4. Preschool 

Preschool is the stage of education before kindergarten, between kindergarten and first grade. It’s sometimes called nursery school or baby school. 

Some preschools are organized by the government, but most are run by private organizations to help educate children under five years old. 

The youngest preschooler usually learns how to count, write letters and often learn their ABCs; they also learn about colors, shapes, numbers and animal sounds.

5. School 

School is a place for children and teenagers where they learn different things to prepare them for the future and to be able to function in society. 

School can start very early or last until teenagers finish their education at university, college or other institutions. 

Some schools offer extra courses for specific groups of students such as foreign students, gifted students, disabled people, etc.

6. Academy 

An academy is a school that’s exclusively for gifted students who have an unusually high IQ or achievement potential that may not fit into regular classes. 

Gifted programs serve the same purpose as special education programs but in a more structured way. They’re usually designed to provide an enriched and accelerated education for children and teenagers who are considered to be especially able in certain academic areas.

7. Schoolhouse

A schoolhouse is a place for children to learn, study or spend time in when they’re not in class. It’s also known as a classroom, an institution or an academy. Schoolhouses are often used by older students to take classes at their own level.

8. Nursery school 

A nursery school is a place for young children to learn how to use language and social skills mostly under the supervision of adults. 

They also receive instruction in basic academic subjects such as numbers, letters, colors, shapes and the days of the week.

Nursery schools are designed so that children can grow socially and emotionally while learning about the world through play, discovery and observation.

9. Church school 

A church school is a place where you can go to learn more about religion, usually with the help of religious teachers. It’s also known as religious instruction or Sunday School. 

The word “church” comes from the idea of schools being run by churches or other Christian organizations. Most church schools are open to people throughout their local communities, not just church members. 

They are run on a completely voluntary basis by members of churches who want to provide extra education for children who attend them on Sundays while parents go to church.

10. Elementary school 

An elementary school is a type of school that is like primary school, but it’s organized by the government and not churches. 

Families who want their children to be able to learn more than just reading, writing and arithmetic can send their children to an elementary school. The younger the child, the more advanced the curriculum will be, but all children are usually required to take classes together at their own level. This means there are no separate classes for first graders.


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